Obstetrics Specialist in Bangalore
Pregnancy, also known as gestation, is the time during which one or more offspring develops inside a woman. Pregnancy can occur by sexual intercourse or assisted reproductive technology. Pregnancy and childbirth mark a significant life transition for a woman and her family. The profound changes that take place occur on many levels, including the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual. Whilst most of the focus is on the amazing physical changes that occur in pregnancy for women, it is affirming and important to acknowledge the very normal and even universal emotional themes that run through the trimesters of pregnancy and the preparation for birth. Pregnancy is a time of acute and heightened emotions due to the massive amount of circulating hormones that are integral to the normal growth and development of the unborn baby. For most women, pregnancy is a straightforward, happy and healthy time. Having regular antenatal check-ups is an important part of staying healthy and m...