Infertility Treatments

Infertility is failure to achieve pregnancy after 12 months of unprotected intercourse. Complete evaluation and treatment for both partners is available at our Hospital. We have been successful in treating many infertile couples through ovulation induction, intrauterine insemination & IVF/ICSI (test tube baby). Our centre has a good success rate of 50-60% with IVF couples at affordable costs. Infertility Treatment Facilities Available : 1) Ovulation induction, follicular studies followed by either timed intercourse or Intrauterine Insemination (IUI- with husband's or donor sperms). 2) IVF (Test tube baby). We offer highest IVF success rates (50-60%) at affordable costs. It Is Offered To Females : Tubal factor infertility Severe endometriosis Falied multiple cycles of OI, IUI Unexplained infertility, etc Male factor infertility- very low counts, motility Women has to receive daily injections eith...