What is IVF Treatment ?

In Vitro Fertilization is a technique focused on achieving the union of the ovule with the sperm in the laboratory . It consists of the union of the ovum with a sperm in the laboratory –in vitro–, in order to obtain good quality embryos that can, after transfer to the mother's uterus, lead to pregnancy. To carry out this procedure, it is necessary to stimulate the patient hormonally in a controlled manner and obtain her eggs, which are then fertilized in vitro in the laboratory, where they are cultured for a few days. One of these embryos is transferred back to the uterine cavity and the rest are cryopreserved for future use. This treatment can be carried out through two techniques: traditional IVF, which consists of placing an egg surrounded by sperm in a culture dish so that fertilization takes place in this way, or Intracytoplasmic Injection (ICSI), which does Fertilization is possible by injecting a live sperm previously selected by morphology into the ovum. IVF is ...