Laparoscopic Gynaecologist in Bangalore
In Laparoscopic surgery we make 3-4 small incisions for trocars through which we introduce operative instruments. Through the naval port (umbilicus) we put 10 mm & 5 mm laparoscopy attached to camera systems and monitor, now the surgeon can see the whole abdomen and pelvis on the screen. All the organs are seen magnified and precisely than in open surgery or Direct Visualization.
Laparoscopic surgery is also called minimally invasive surgery. It is a modern surgical technique in which operations are performed far from their location through small incisions.
Due to improved patient outcomes, in the last two decades, laparoscopic surgery has been adopted by various surgical sub-specialties including gastrointestinal surgery (including bariatric procedures for morbid obesity), gynecologic surgery and urology.

Why laparoscopy?
Laparoscopy helps diagnose and treat problems in the reproductive organs. It can help to find the cause of symptoms, such as pain or bleeding and also the reason for infertility. In many cases, the problem can be treated during the same procedure. Laparoscopy may be done to find and/or treat :
- Tubal pregnancy : This occurs when an embryo implants in a Fallopian tube. Untreated, the tube can rupture and bleed.
- A fibroid(lump of uterine muscle tissue) : This can cause pain and bleeding. These can also be diagnosed with ultrasound.
- A blocked or damaged Fallopian tube : This can cause trouble in conception.
- Endometriosis(growth of uterine tissue outside the uterus) : This can cause pain, bleeding, and trouble getting pregnant.
- Adhesion's(scar tissue) : These can cause pain and infertility.
- An ovarian cyst (fluid-filled sac) or tumor (abnormal growth) : Pain irregular cycles.
- Pelvic organ prolapse : This is when the female organs drop into or out of the vagina.
- Urinary Incontinence : This is when urine leaks involuntarily.
For More Services Stay With Us : Laproscopy Centre in Bangalore | Laparoscopic Surgeons in Bangalore | Laparoscopic Treatment in Bangalore | Laparoscopic Surgery Treatment in Bangalore
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