Uterus Removal in Bangalore

Fibroids are growths of the uterus, or They are also called uterine leiomyomas or myomas. The uterus is made of muscle, and fibroids grow from the muscle. Fibroids can bulge from the inside or outside of the uterus Fibroids are not cancerous and are not thought to be able to become cancerous.
Fibroids are very common. Approximately 80 percent of women will have fibroids in their lifetime, although not all of these women have bothersome fibroid symptoms. Treatments are available for women who have fibroid-related problems like heavy menstrual bleeding, pain or pressure in the pelvis, or problems with pregnancy or infertility.

Fibroid Causes:
The cause of fibroids is unknown. Fibroids seem to respond to the female hormones estrogen and progesterone; some women have specific genes that may predispose them, and their families, to fibroids, and lifestyle and reproductive factors influence fibroids. Some fibroids grow with time and others shrink. Fibroids can also have growth spurts where they grow quickly over a short period of time.

Fibroid Symptoms:
Fibroids can range in size from microscopic to the size of a grapefruit or even larger. The majority of fibroids are small and do not cause any symptoms at all. However, some women with fibroids have very heavy or long menstrual periods or pelvic pressure or pain that interferes with their life.
Fibroids are more likely to cause symptoms if the fibroids are large, if there are many fibroids, or if the fibroid is located in certain places in the uterus. Fibroid symptoms tend to get better when a woman no longer has menstrual periods, at menopause.
Increased menstrual bleeding - Fibroids can increase the amount and/or the number of days of menstrual bleeding. Women who have excessive menstrual bleeding are at risk for a low blood count (iron deficiency anemia).
Pelvic pressure and pain - Larger fibroids can cause a sense of pelvic pressure or fullness in the abdomen, similar to the feeling of being pregnant. Sometimes women can even look pregnant when they are not; this appearance is due to the fibroids.
Fibroids can also cause other symptoms, depending upon where they are located in the uterus. As an example, if a fibroid is pressing on the bladder, the woman may feel like she needs to go to the bathroom frequently. Similarly, a fibroid pressing on the rectum can cause constipation.
Problems with fertility and pregnancy - Most women with fibroids are able to become pregnant without a problem. However, certain fibroids that distort the inside of the uterus can cause trouble becoming pregnant or with miscarriage and removing these fibroids can optimize fertility. Fibroids in the outer part of the uterus may have a mild effect on decreasing fertility, but surgically removing these fibroids does not appear to decrease the risk. Women with fibroids and reproductive problems should go through a basic infertility evaluation before concluding the fibroids are responsible for the problem.
Most women with fibroids have a completely normal pregnancy without complications. However, women with a large fibroid (greater than 5 to 6 cm) or more fibroids might have an increased risk of specific pregnancy complications.

Fibroid Diagnosis:

A doctor or other health care provider may suspect fibroids if your uterus is enlarged or has an irregular shape. A pelvic ultrasound is needed to confirm that fibroids are present. Ultrasound uses sound waves to create a picture of the uterus.

Fibroid Treatment:

Women who have no symptoms from their fibroids do not need to have treatment. Women with significant symptoms may try medical or surgical treatment. The best treatment depends on which symptom(s) is most bothersome. The size, number and locations of fibroids and your desire for future pregnancy also factor into most treatment decisions.

Medical Fibroid Treatment:
Most medical treatments use a medicine to reduce the heavy menstrual bleeding, which is common in women with fibroids. A few medical treatments also shrink the fibroid too, and some are focused on reducing pain or correcting anemia. Medical treatments are often recommended before surgical treatments.

Iron and vitamins : For women who are anemic, the combination of iron supplements and a multivitamin, which will help the body effectively use the iron, is an effective option to combat anemia.
Quality: Altius Hospital is committed to the continuous evaluation and improvement of all processes related to delivering comprehensive medical treatment and superior patient care.

Altius Hospital
# 6/63, 59th Cross, 4th Block, Rajajinagar Entrance, Opp.
MEI Polytechnic, Near Ram Mandir,
Bangalore - 560 010
Karnataka State,

Phone:+91 80 23151873
      +91 9900031842
Fax: +91 8023116750
Email: altiushospital@yahoo.com

For More Links: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Treatment in Bangalore | Pelvic Floor Disorders & Treatments in Bangalore | Hysteroscopic Surgeries in bangalore | Hysteroscopic Surgeries in Bangalore |Laproscopic Uterus Removal Surgeries in Bangalore | Ovarian Cysts Diagnosis in Bangalore.


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