
Showing posts from August, 2019

Hysteroscopic Surgeries in Bangalore

If you’re having heavy menstrual periods and severe cramping, or your doctor needs to know more about your reproductive health, she may recommend you have a hysteroscopy. The procedure can give her an up-close look at your cervix and uterus and help her learn what’s causing problems. What Is a Hysteroscopy? Hysteroscopy is the inspection of the uterine cavity by endoscopy with access through the cervix. It allows for the diagnosis of intrauterine pathology and serves as a method for surgical intervention (operative hysteroscopy). Symptoms There are no symptoms or physical signs that are specific to adenomyosis. However, the cyclic bleeding of the ectopic endometrium resulting in irritation of surrounding tissue often leads to different nonspecific symptoms, including dysmenorrhea (starting at an early age around the time of menarche in the juvenile forms), abnormal uterine bleeding, chronic pelvic pain, and deep dyspareunia [ Altius ]. Dysmenorrhea tends to progressively i...

Cardiology Specialist in Bangalore

What is cardiology? Cardiology is a medical specialty and a branch of internal medicine concerned with disorders of the heart. It deals with the diagnosis and treatment of such conditions as congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, electrophysiology, heart failure and valvular heart disease. Subspecialties of the cardiology field include cardiac electrophysiology, echocardiography, interventional cardiology and nuclear cardiology.   When would I need a cardiologist? If a person has symptoms of a heart condition, their physician may refer them to a cardiologist. Symptoms that can indicate a heart problem include: shortness of breath dizziness chest pains changes in heart rate or rhythm high blood pressure A cardiologist can carry out tests for a heart murmur or an abnormal heart rhythm. They often treat patients who have had a heart attack, heart failure, or other heart problems. They help make decisions about heart surgery, heart catheterization, and...

Urinary Incontinence Treatment in Bangalore

Urinary incontinence is the involuntary leakage of urine. It means a person urinates when they do not want to. Control over the urinary sphincter is either lost or weakened. What is urinary incontinence? Urinary incontinence is when a person cannot prevent urine from leaking out. It can be due to stress factors, such as coughing, it can happen during and after pregnancy, and it is more common with conditions such as obesity. The chances of it happening increase with age. Bladder control and pelvic floor, or Kegel, exercises can help prevent or reduce it. Symptoms Many people experience occasional, minor leaks of urine. Others may lose small to moderate amounts of urine more frequently. Types of urinary incontinence include: Stress incontinence. Urine leaks when you exert pressure on your bladder by coughing, sneezing, laughing, exercising or lifting something heavy. Urge incontinence. You have a sudden, intense urge to urinate followed by an involuntary loss of uri...

Uterus Removal Specialist in Bangalore

At least once in a lifetime, many women are suffered from gynecological problems including diseases of the uterus (womb). Major treatment options of these problems are medical or surgical treatment. However, some diseases of the uterus could not be cured by medication, then operation for removal the uterus (Hysterectomy) might be needed. The original surgery for uterus removal needs a wide skin incision, at least 8-10 centimeters, for approaching into the abdomen. This procedure resulting in marked pain after surgery, requires long recovery period and may leave hypertrophic scar afterward. Nowadays, with the advanced available technology of endoscopy, surgery called Laparoscopy or Pin-hole surgery can be performed through tiny incisions on abdomen or even through natural body openings that means “No Scar Seen”. These methods give many advantages for women who already suffer from their gynecologic problems.   There are 4 different approaches for Uterus Removal Surgery: ...

Fibroids Surgery in Bangalore

Treatment for fibroids can range from no treatment at all to surgery. Unless fibroids are causing excessive bleeding, discomfort or bladder problems, treatment usually isn't necessary. If you have fibroids, you should be evaluated periodically to review symptoms, and to monitor the fibroid and uterus size with abdominal and pelvic examinations. If you don't have symptoms, routine pelvic ultrasounds have very little benefit. Fibroids are likely to grow each year until menopause, but this isn't an indication that you need treatment, unless the change is accompanied by disabling symptoms. Types of fibroid surgery There are three types of fibroid procedures. Which one you have depends on: the size of your fibroids the number of fibroids you have where in your uterus they’re located whether you want to have children Open Surgery - Myomectomy and Hysterectomy Myomectomy and Hysterectomy: Surgical Treatments for Uterine Fibroids Myomectomy is a surgery to remove fibroid...