Hysteroscopic Surgeries in Bangalore

If you’re having heavy menstrual periods and severe cramping, or your doctor needs to know more about your reproductive health, she may recommend you have a hysteroscopy. The procedure can give her an up-close look at your cervix and uterus and help her learn what’s causing problems.

What Is a Hysteroscopy?

Hysteroscopy is the inspection of the uterine cavity by endoscopy with access through the cervix. It allows for the diagnosis of intrauterine pathology and serves as a method for surgical intervention (operative hysteroscopy).



There are no symptoms or physical signs that are specific to adenomyosis. However, the cyclic bleeding of the ectopic endometrium resulting in irritation of surrounding tissue often leads to different nonspecific symptoms, including dysmenorrhea (starting at an early age around the time of menarche in the juvenile forms), abnormal uterine bleeding, chronic pelvic pain, and deep dyspareunia [Altius]. Dysmenorrhea tends to progressively increase and is resistant to therapy with analgesics or cyclic oral contraceptives.

The causative relationship between adenomyosis and subfertility has not been fully confirmed, and the incidence of subfertility in women with adenomyosis has not been defined [Altius].


Considering the poor specificity of preoperative clinical-based diagnosis, adenomyosis is often an incidental finding in specimens obtained from hysterectomy or uterine biopsies and/or percutaneous ultrasound-based biopsies. The recent evolution of diagnostic imaging techniques, such as transvaginal sonography (TVS), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and hysterosalpingography (HSG), has contributed to improving accuracy in the identification of this pathology, with an increasing number of cases described in adolescents and young adult women with untreatable dysmenorrhea [Altius].

Hysteroscopy is visualization from inside of the uterus with a camera without introducing a scar on the Abdomen

All the following hysteroscopic surgeries are performed at our center -
  •  Diagnostic hysteroscopy
  •  Hysteroscopic polypectomy (polyp removal)
  •  Hysteroscopic Myomectomy (submucous myomas) (fibroid inside the cavity of uterus)
  •  Hysteroscopic endometrial ablation (for Abnormal uterine bleeding/ heavy menstrual bleeding)
  •  Hysteroscopic metroplasty (congenital uterine anomaly-septum) (septum resection)
  •  Hysteroscopic cannulation for proximal tubal block
  •  Hysteroscopic removal of misplaced cu - T(iucd)
  •  Hysteroscopic sterilisation (family planning)


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