Diagnostic Laparoscopy
Diagnostic laparoscopy is a procedure that allows a doctor to look directly at the contents of the abdomen or pelvis. Now a days it has become a safe minimal invasive surgery in diagnosing the pathology.
How the Test is Performed
The procedure is done in the hospital or outpatient surgical center under general anesthesia (while you are asleep and pain-free).
How the Test is Performed
The procedure is done in the hospital or outpatient surgical center under general anesthesia (while you are asleep and pain-free).
The procedure is performed in the following way:
- The surgeon makes a small cut (5 mm incision) below the belly button.
- A needle or tube is inserted into the incision. Carbon dioxide gas is passed into the abdomen through the needle or tube. The gas helps in expanding the area, giving the surgeon more room to work, and helps the surgeon to see the organs more clearly.
- A tube is placed through the cut in your abdomen. A tiny video camera (laparoscope) goes through this tube and is used to see the inside of your pelvis and abdomen with magnification over the screen. More small cuts may be made if other instruments are needed to get a better view of certain organs.
- In female infertility cases,tubal patency is tested by injecting dye through cervix from below so the surgeon can view the flow of dye through the fallopian tubes abdominally .
- After the exam, the gas, laparoscope, and instruments are removed, and the cuts are closed. You will have bandages over those areas.
How to Prepare for the Test
It is a day care procedure where patient is asked to come in the morning with over night fasting. Follow instructions of not eating and drinking before surgery. Do not change or stop taking any medicines without advise from the doctor.
How the Test will Feel
- You will feel no pain during the procedure. Afterward, the incisions may be sore. Your doctor may prescribe a pain reliever.
- You may also have shoulder pain for a few days. The gas used during the procedure can irritate the diaphragm, which shares some of the same nerves as the shoulder.
- You will recover for a few hours at the hospital before going home. You will probably not stay overnight after a diagnostic laparoscopy.
Why the Test is performed
Diagnostic laparoscopy is often done for evaluating female infertility,tubo ovarian pathology,endometriosis,chronic pelvic pain, suspected, adnexal masses,uterine anomalies, PID, suspected ovarian malignancies etc
Normal Results
The laparoscopy is normal if there is no blood in the abdomen, no adhesions, no hernias, no intestinal obstruction, and no cancer in any visible organs. The uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries are of normal size, shape, and color.
What Abnormal Results Mean
Abnormal results may be due to a number of different conditions, including:
- Scar tissue inside the abdomen or pelvis (adhesions).
- Cells from inside the uterus grow in other areas (endometriosis, chocolate cyst of ovary).
- Ovarian cysts or cancer of the ovary.
- Infection of the womb, ovaries or fallopian tubes (pelvic inflammatory disease, hydrosalpingx and pyosalpingx).
- Uterine fibroids.
- Appendicular problems etc.
- Tubal block.
As like any other surgeries this procedure too has got the risk of wound infection, perforation of viscera, internal bleeding. However complications for a diagnostic laparoscopy are extremely rare.
For More data Contact Us:
Telephone: +91 8023151873 | +91 9900031842
Fax: +91 8023116750
Email: altiushospital@yahoo.com | endoram2006@yahoo.in
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