
Showing posts from November, 2019

Family Planning Methods - Altius Hospital

Contraception (anti-conception medication) avoids pregnancy by meddling with the ordinary procedure of ovulation, treatment, and implantation. There are various types of anti-conception medication that demonstration at various focuses in the process. NO SINGLE METHOD IS APPLICABLE TO ALL. What are Contraceptive inserts and infusions?   Hormonal contraception for ladies is accessible as inserts and infusions. These strategies, especially the embed, are more viable than prophylactic pills and rings, yet like other preventative techniques, may cause symptoms and don't give assurance from Sexually transmitted diseases.  Inserts   The prophylactic embed . is a hormonal, pole molded gadget that is embedded under the skin at the internal side of the upper arm. .it has a hormone that stops ovulation and makes the liquid at the opening to the uterus (belly) thicker, preventing sperm from overcoming.  The prophylactic embed goes on for a long time, is...

Laparoscopic Cervical Encerclage

Cervical incompetence is characterized by painless dilatation of the incompetent cervix and results in miscarriages and preterm delivery during second trimester. Cervical incompetence occurs in 0.5% to 1% of all pregnancies and has a recurrence risk of 30%. Patients typically present with cervical dilatation in the absence of uterine activity after first trimester usually. Cervical cerclage can be placed via trans vaginal, open -trans abdominal, or laparoscopic trans abdominal approach, preferably before pregnancy. A laparoscopic approach is superior to the trans abdominal approach in terms of surgical outcomes, cost, and postoperative morbidity. A laparoscopic approach to cervical cerclage placement is a potentially effective adjunct to the treatment of women at high risk of recurrent preterm birth. Laparoscopic and trans abdominal approaches both yield similar obstetric outcomes, and laparoscopic cerclage may be a superior method in terms of surgical outcomes, as sugg...

Laprascopic Tubal Ligation Treatment

Sterilization is any of a number of medical techniques that intentionally leave a person unable to reproduce. It is a method of birth control.. Sterilization methods include both surgical and non-surgical, and exist for both males and females. Sterilization procedures are intended to be permanent. What is sterilization by laparoscopy? Sterilization by laparoscopy is a common procedure used to perform tubal ligation in women. Tubal ligation is a method of sterilization that involves obstruction of the Fallopian tubes. Laparoscopy enables the surgeon to complete tubal ligation by making a small incision near the navel. This smaller incision reduces recovery time after surgery and the risk of complications. In most cases, the woman can leave the hospital within hours after laparoscopy. WHEN TO CHOOSE STERILIZATION? A woman should carefully weigh her decision to undergo sterilization .Though this procedure has been successfully reversed in some women, in almost all...

Laparoscopic Sling Procedures

The uterus, or womb, is a muscular structure that's held in place by pelvic muscles and ligaments.   If these muscles or ligaments stretch or become weak, they're no longer able to support the uterus, causing prolapse. Uterine prolapse occurs when the uterus sags or slips from its normal position and into the vagina, or birth canal. Uterine prolapse may be incomplete or complete. An incomplete prolapse occurs when the uterus is only partly sagging into the vagina. A complete prolapse describes a situation in which the uterus falls so far down that some tissue rests outside of the vagina.   What is vaginal vault? The vaginal vault is the expanded region of the vaginal canal at the internal end of the vagina. The vaginal vault may prolapse after a hysterectomy, as there is no uterus supporting the interior end of the vagina. The incidence of vaginal vault prolapse is approximately 15% after hysterectomy due to uterine prolapse, and approximately 1% after hyster...