Family Planning Methods - Altius Hospital

Contraception (anti-conception medication) avoids pregnancy by meddling with the ordinary procedure of ovulation, treatment, and implantation. There are various types of anti-conception medication that demonstration at various focuses in the process. NO SINGLE METHOD IS APPLICABLE TO ALL.

What are Contraceptive inserts and infusions? 

Hormonal contraception for ladies is accessible as inserts and infusions. These strategies, especially the embed, are more viable than prophylactic pills and rings, yet like other preventative techniques, may cause symptoms and don't give assurance from Sexually transmitted diseases. 


The prophylactic embed . is a hormonal, pole molded gadget that is embedded under the skin at the internal side of the upper arm. .it has a hormone that stops ovulation and makes the liquid at the opening to the uterus (belly) thicker, preventing sperm from overcoming. 

The prophylactic embed goes on for a long time, is near 100 percent successful and suits most ladies who can't take manufactured oestrogens. The embed is placed in by a specialist under nearby soporific. 

Infusions (Depo) 

The preventative infusion . is a hormonal injection.this technique stops ovulation and makes the liquid at the opening to the uterus thicker, preventing sperm from traversing. The prophylactic infusion is an exceptionally compelling . .Infusion IS GIVEN AT the interim of 2 or 3 months. 

Give me a data about Contraceptive intrauterine gadgets (IUDs)? 
  1. The IUD is a little plastic gadget with included copper or hormones that is placed into the uterus by a specialist. It can remain set up for as long as 10 years, contingent upon the sort utilized. Ladies who need to get pregnant or are having issues can undoubtedly have the IUD taken out before. 
  2. The two kinds of IUD (copper and hormonal) are more than 99 percent compelling and work by changing the coating and condition of the uterus so sperm can't endure. On the off chance that any sperm do endure and treat an egg, the egg can't adhere to the mass of the uterus, which implies a pregnancy can't occur. 
  3. The hormonal IUD (Mirena0) makes periods lighter or stop out and out. It might should be taken out due to hormonal side effects, for example, cerebral pains, bosom delicacy, skin inflammation and expanded craving, yet this is uncommon. The copper IUD will in general make periods heavier, yet doesn't cause hormonal reactions. 
  4. The hormonal IUD gradually and consistently discharges a modest quantity of hormones, which may make the liquid at the opening to the uterus thicker, preventing sperm from traversing. This may likewise forestall pregnancy by somewhat change the hormones that control the menstrual cycle.
What is Emergency contraception? 

Crisis contraception, otherwise called 'a next day contraceptive', is a hormonal strategy for contraception that may stop ovulation. It tends to be taken to abstain from getting pregnant in a crisis circumstance, for example, in the wake of having unprotected sex, if a condom sneaks off or breaks during sex, or if the preventative pill is missed. It forestalls 85 percent of. pregnancies that would somehow or another have occurred.

Shouldn't something be said about Contraceptive pills and vaginal rings? 

Hormonal contraception for ladies is likewise accessible with a specialist's remedy as a pill (oral contraception) or a vaginal ring .. These techniques are extremely successful (99.7 percent) .Pills and vaginal rings may cause symptoms and don't give insurance from STIs. 

Joined pill 
  • The joined pill contains engineered types of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. It stops ovulation and makes the liquid at the opening to the uterus thicker, preventing sperm from traversing. 
  • There are numerous sorts of joined pills with various dosages and hormones. This strategy is by and large not prescribed for ladies who are in danger of coronary illness, for example, smokers who are more than 35 years old. 
Small scale pill 

The small scale pill contains a manufactured type of just a single hormone, progesterone. It makes the liquid at the opening to the uterus thicker, preventing sperm from traversing. 

Vaginal ring 
  • The vaginal ring has comparable hormones to the joined pill and works similarly. 
  • The vaginal ring discharges a low portion of hormones and spares making sure to take a pill consistently. It is additionally as simple to place in as a tampon and, similar to the joined pill, is 99.7 percent viable whenever utilized the correct way. 
  • Male and female condoms likewise reduce the danger of STIs. Hindrance techniques can be successful whenever utilized the correct way every time you engage in sexual relations. 
What are the Permanent techniques for contraception? 

Cleansing is a perpetual technique for contraception that includes having a surgery. Female and male sanitization are powerful, yet these strategies don't give insurance from STIs. 

What are Natural strategies for contraception? 
  • Regular techniques, known as normal family arranging, depend on observing body changes during the menstrual cycle to know when a lady is generally rich. These progressions are utilized as a manual for realize when to have intercourse and when to abstain from engaging in sexual relations. Strategies incorporate observing changes to the internal heat level's and the liquid at the opening to the uterus.
  • The viability of normal family arranging shifts, contingent upon which strategy or blend of techniques is utilized. Regular family arranging doesn't give insurance from STIs. Entirely eccentric and not suggested 
Does a Contraceptive offers insurance from STIs? 

It is essential to rehearse more secure sex, just as to avoid a unintended pregnancy. Not all techniques for contraception give insurance from STIs. The most ideal approach to reduce the danger of STIs is to utilize obstructions, for example, male and female condoms . 

In the event that I intend to have an infant, how not long after in the wake of halting the anti-conception medication pill would i be able to consider? 

Most ladies ovulate again around about fourteen days subsequent to halting the pill. When you ovulate once more, you can get pregnant. In the event that this occurs during your first cycle off the pill, you might not have a period by any means. Check a pregnancy test on the off chance that you've had unprotected intercourse and your period hasn't returned. 

What occurs on the off chance that I quit taking the conception prevention pill and my period doesn't return? 
  • On the off chance that you don't have a period for a while, you may have what's known as post-pill amenorrhea. The pill keeps your body from making hormones engaged with ovulation and feminine cycle. At the point when you quit taking the pill, it can set aside some effort for your body to come back to ordinary generation of these hormones. 
  • Your period ordinarily continues inside a quarter of a year after you quit taking the pill. Be that as it may, a few ladies, particularly the individuals who took the pill to control their menstrual cycles, might not have a period for a while. 
  • On the off chance that you don't include a period inside a quarter of a year, take a pregnancy test to ensure you're not pregnant and afterward observe your primary care physician. 
What occurs on the off chance that I take conception prevention pills while pregnant? 
  • Try not to stress in the event that you continued taking your anti-conception medication pill since you didn't have any acquaintance with you were pregnant. When you discover that you're pregnant, quit taking the conception prevention pill and counsel specialist.
  • I have taken contraception pills for a considerable length of time and need to stop. 
Would i be able to stop whenever or would it be advisable for me to complete my present pill bundle? 

At the point when you at long last stop the pill, you can anticipate some dying, which may change the cadence of your menstrual cycle. In any case, you can stop whenever. 

Do anti-conception medication pills cause weight gain? 
  • Numerous ladies think so. In any case, thinks about have demonstrated that the impact of the conception prevention pill on weight is little - on the off chance that it exists by any means. 
  • Rather, you might be holding increasingly liquid, which can make you feel as though you've put on weight, especially in your bosoms, hips and thighs. The estrogen in anti-conception medication pills affects (fat) cells, making them bigger however not increasingly various. 
How contraception pills influence malignant growth chance? 
  • Logical proof proposes utilizing contraception pills for longer timeframes expands your danger of certain tumors, for example, cervical malignancy and liver disease, yet the outcomes aren't reliable. 
  • On the other side, the conception prevention pill may diminish your danger of different kinds of malignant growth, including ovarian disease and endometrial malignant growth. 
  • Be that as it may, the present pills have a much lower estrogen portion, and later investigations show no expansion in bosom disease hazard on the off chance that you take anti-conception medication pills. Concentrates likewise have discovered no connection between bosom malignant growth hazard and utilization of conception prevention pills in ladies who have a family ancestry of bosom disease. 
Do contraception pills influence cholesterol levels? 

Contraception pills can influence your cholesterol levels. Contraception pills with more estrogen can have a marginally helpful by and large impact on your blood lipid levels. As a rule, however, the progressions aren't critical and don't influence your general wellbeing. 

Do contraception pills influence circulatory strain? 

Contraception pills may marginally expand your pulse. On the off chance that you take conception prevention pills, have your circulatory strain checked routinely. In the event that you as of now have hypertension, converse with your primary care physician about whether you ought to think about another type of contraception. 

Can ladies more seasoned than age 35 keep taking contraception pills? 

In case you're solid and you don't smoke, you can keep taking contraception pills after age 35. Nonetheless, contraception pills aren't suggested in case you're 35 or more seasoned and you smoke as a result of the danger of cardiovascular illness. All things considered, you have to stop smoking before you can securely keep utilizing anti-conception medication pills. 

What is lasting disinfection? 

Female cleansing (likewise alluded to as tubal ligation) incorporates various methods and procedures that give changeless contraception to ladies. The most widely recognized strategies forestall pregnancy by disturbing the patency of the fallopian tubes. This counteracts origination by blocking transport of sperm from the lower genital tract to an ovulated oocyte.IN guys it is vasectomy.,which squares vas deferens that conveys sperms. 

When to plan?

Female sterilization may be performed immediately after childbirth (postpartum sterilization) or at a time unrelated to a pregnancy (interval sterilization). Most postpartum sterilization procedures are performed at time of cesarean delivery or after a vaginal delivery .Most interval sterilization procedures are performed via laparoscopy.

What are the indications?
  • The only indication for sterilization is the patient's desire for permanent contraception. Ultimately, the choice is made by the patient, but the decision requires thorough counseling about permanent sterility and the risk of regret.
  • There are no medical conditions that are strictly incompatible with laparoscopic sterilization; however, there may be factors that make women more suitable for a particular route of sterilization or other contraceptive options.
How effective is laparoscopic sterilization in preventing pregnancy?

Laparoscopic sterilization is highly effective 100%

Why laparoscopy?

For women who no longer want children, sterilization by laparoscopy provides a safe and convenient form of contraception. Once completed, no further steps are needed to prevent pregnancy. Tubal ligation also does not change a woman's menstrual cycle or cause menopause.
  1. Its day care surgery
  2. Done under general anaesthesia.
  3. Lesser pain
  4. No scar
  5. Recovery in a day
How is laparoscopic sterilization performed?

In laparoscopy, an instrument called a laparoscope is inserted through a small incision made in or near the navel. Another small incision may be made for an instrument to close off or remove the fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes can be closed off by bands or clips. They also can be cut and closed with special thread or sealed with an electric current. The laparoscope then is withdrawn. The incisions are closed with stitches or special tape.

What are the risks associated with laparoscopic sterilization?

Sterilization by laparoscopy has a low risk of complications. Its vey safe.

What should I expect after having laparoscopic sterilization?

After surgery, you will be observed for a short time to be sure that there are no problems. Most women can go home 2-4 hours after the procedure.. You may feel some discomfort or have other symptoms that last a few days

What are some alternatives to sterilization?

Long-acting reversible contraception, such as the intrauterine device or implant, last for several years. They are about as effective at preventing pregnancy as sterilization. They can be removed at any time if you want to become pregnant.

How is the Recovery from the surgery?

After surgery, patients stay in a recovery room and are observed for any possible complications. Patients are discharged same day after they receive instructions for home recovery. Patients are asked to see . for a follow-up appointment within.10 days

When to contact your doctor?

Contact immediately if you experience any of the following:
  • Persistent nausea and vomiting for more than 24 hours.
  • Temperature over 100 degrees Fahrenheit for more than 24 hours
  • Redness, swelling, drainage or bleeding around the incision
  • After the first day of surgery: Heavy bleeding with clots or soaking a sanitary pad within 2 hours
Am I ready for sterilization?
  • A woman should carefully weigh her decision to undergo sterilization by laparoscopy. Though this procedure has been successfully reversed in some women, in almost all cases it causes a permanent loss of fertility.
  • Women who are unsure if they still want children should choose a less permanent form of contraception, such as birth control pills, an intrauterine device (IUD), or a barrier method (such as a diaphragm). Discuss these alternatives with your .doctor
  • Your partner may also consider having a vasectomy, a method of male sterilization that involves severing and tying the vas deferens, a tube that transports sperm.
Any relation to Vaginal bleeding and menstruation?

Vaginal spottingup to .few days after surgery is normal. Many women do not have their next normal menstrual cycle for few weeks after surgery.

When to resume Sexual activity?

You can resume sexual activity one week after surgery.

What is tubal recanalisation?

"Tubal Reversal," also called "Tubal Sterilization Reversal," or "Tubal Ligation Reversal," or "Micro surgical Tubal Reaganomics," is a surgical procedure that can restore fertility to women after a tubal ligation. By rejoining the separated segments of the fallopian tube, tubal reversal can give women the chance to become pregnant again.


Approximately 2 out of every 3 patients will become pregnant after tubal ligation reversal

Why only laparoscopic procedure for sterilization reversal?
  1. Feasibility of laparoscopic tubal sterilization reversal is confirmed, as well as the benefits offered by laparoscopic procedures in terms of quality of life.
  2. Evolution of techniques, skill competency and constant material improvements have allowed this type of surgical procedure to be performed by laparoscopy.
  3. Laparoscopic Tubal Reversal is a minimally-invasive surgical procedure (laparoscopy), using small, specially-designed instruments to repair and reconnect the fallopian tubes.
  4. General anesthesia has been Patients are sent home the same day of surgery. The few stitches that are placed will be under the skin and will be absorbed by the body, without need for removal.
  5. When performed by a trained laparoscopic tubal reversal surgeon, laparoscopic tubal reversal combines the success rates of micro-surgical techniques with the advantages of minimally-invasive surgery - namely faster recovery, better healing, less pain, fewer complications, and no large disfiguring scars.Laparoscopic surgery can be more expensive than an open surgery using a 2 to 3 inch incision because it requires additional surgical equipment.
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